Brand | Strategy

eWareness has extensive experience helping nonprofits, businesses and government agencies with their overall brand. From logos and taglines to design schemes associated with a product and/or service, eWareness works closely with our client companies, organizations and government agencies to help build and maintain brand management.


eWareness' brand management services with our client base has spanned from employer branding (branding specific to internal recruitment efforts) to co-branding (joint product/service offerings) and educational (specific to educational institutions) and nonprofit branding (specific to nonprofit organizations).


eWareness Industry Brand Services

Brand Management (transparently with your team or as an active outside agency)

Employer Branding (recruitment marketing and internal brand management)

Personal Branding (celebrity branding, athlete branding, speaker branding, political candidate branding)

Geographic Location Branding (location tourism branding)

Co-Branding (Joint product branding, joint service branding)

Sub-Branding (Distributor branding, dealer branding, associate office branding)

Political Branding (political party branding, political view branding, political candidate branding)

Nonprofit Branding (nonprofit organizational branding, group branding, theater branding)

Entertainment Branding (Celebrity branding, reality entertainment branding, venue branding)

Institutional Branding (educational branding)

Governmental Branding (Government agencies, municipality branding)


An outline of eWareness' brand service offerings include

Reputation Management Services (oversee your company's, organization's or government agency's online and traditional reputation)

Logos (help with logo strategizing, logo design, logo promotion and more)

Slogans/Taglines (help with slogan/tagline strategizing, slogan/tagline creation, slogan/tagline promotion and more)

Design Schemes (help with design strategizing, design creation and more)